
When choosing a typeface for this project, I wanted a sans-serif that was beautiful in all sizes, easy to read, and with a strong character. Roobert (Medium) by Displaay checked all the boxes. For the notes titles, I decided to use Denton (Regular) by Peregrin Studio Right Serif by PangramPangram (until I can afford Denton), as to make it more interesting, and newspaper-like. Finally, I also added Rowan Italic by the Indian Type Foundry as the italic body text of my Field Notes.

All fonts were properly purchased and licensed.


Designed entirely on Sketch. Built with Astro and deployed to Netlify.

This site uses the cookie-free analytics Plausible.


All images were taken or created by me, Eryc, unless stated otherwise. I will always try my best to provide sources for all imagery, however, in the rare case that a source may not be found, a link to where I got the image will be used instead.

Credits on most images can be found by hovering them.


The inspiration for this site came from different sources, at different times in my life.

These sources all represent a single principle: they use their websites as their home on the web—a place where they can hang their art, share their thoughts, collect insteresting artifacts, and present a piece of themselves to the world.

I have much care for these people (most of which I never met), so here’s my humble way of paying them respect. Go access their site, and be amazed as I was: