Coffee shop journaling
There’s nothing quite like bringing a notebook to a coffee shop and journaling.
When the caffeine starts to kick in, and the sweet taste of vanilla instigates the electric pulses to release endorphins in the system, and thoughts just flow, without a filter, or with a selective filter, a quite effective one. Your hand starts hurting because you haven’t written anything in awhile. But you can’t stop. The world stops for a moment. Your vision closes in on the page and ink. All the noises stop existing. And in that moment, only you exist. Anything comes. Everything goes. Nothing stays. The feelings come into your heart, flow through your blood, gets rationalized by the brain, and in a fraction of a second, the ink hits the paper, bursting all these hidden thoughts, all these bottled up emotions. Like opening a can of soda that’s been shaken. You fill a page or two, and then… it subsides. You’re back to reality. The noises come back. You notice people around you move. The smell of fresh baked goods. The loud screams of the milk vaporizer put to work. You’re awake again. And life goes on. Can’t take the time back. It’s gone. Along with all those thoughts, and feelings. Some imprinted on the pages in front of you. Some long gone, missed by your lack of speed on capturing them with your pen. One of the human’s most common features. We never catch up with our own selves. By the time we’re conscious, it’s already gone.