Logging out

I am logging out of my social media accounts for awhile.

Thought seriously about deleting them, like Linus did, but I honestly don’t want to. I just want to use them less times in a week.

It’s time to rethink my workflow, and the things that I truly want to be doing with my time.

I admire guys like Dmitry, and Matt, who are well versed in different areas of life.

In Dmitry’s case, he produces music, is knowledgeable in synths, and photography cameras, takes incredibly good looking photos, and on top of that, is a diverse designer, merging product with 3D, all in a very polished way.

In Matt’s case, I appreciate his focus and dedication to his family (which isn’t small) and his work, as well as the fact he drew his house in Figma before remodeling it, is mastering the guitar, and keeps a constant routine of lifting heavy weights, and running.

There are many more I could cite, but these two already make the point.

It leads me to ask:

  • What do I want for my life?
  • How do I want to spend my time?
  • How can I be of service to others?
  • Who should I seek for help in this process

I feel like having a good sense of direction, and some stric rules can help ease the decision fatigue, or help reduce the amount of aimless action.

Procrastination hasn’t really been the problem lately when it comes to work, but it has bugged me in my personal life, where the rate in which I consume has been way heavier than the rate in which I create.

There needs to be a rebalance of inputs/outputs.

And logging out is a first step.