Reading blogs in the morning

Everyone’s got a morning routine.

Yours might be a very disciplined one, where you wake up a certain time, and go through your well-defined steps. You might think you don’t have a routine, when, in fact, yours is just chaotic.

Mine has been a bit chaotic lately.
Not gonna lie: it bothers me.

I have been making changes, though. Slowly, but steady.

One of them has been picking up the iPad and opening up some sites to read people’s blogs. No one calls them blog nowadays—even I call mine “Field Notes”—but that’s what they are: blogs.

One of these blogs I love taking some time to read and explore is Manuel Morale’s. He writes some good pieces like “The web is not dying”, and also has a series called People and Blogs, where he talks with interesting people about themselves and their blogs.

Today I just discovered Dhrumil’s, and Dylan’s, who both share thoughts and ideas, much like I do here.

Just looking at their sites today spiked some interesting ideas to do on my own site, that could become other small side projects, or even be applied on my day-to-day job.

There’s also a few sites I love exploring for the sake of it:

One of them is Jeremy Keith’s site. It is a backlog of almost 2 decades worth of content about the web, and also his life, and work:

Jeremy Keith’s site

Another one is Devine Lu Linvega’s, which is more of a wiki than a blog. His site was what inspired me to create my own personal site, to be more than just “another designer portfolio”.

Yet, another is Avanier’s. I mean, look at the amount of projects this guy has worked on!

Josh Avanier’s site

The whole point of this is to start the day by exploring, and letting yourself go through some loop holes. Allowing your brain to make different connections, before work.

Whether that’s optimal or not, I don’t care. It’s fun, and it spikes my creativity.

If you wanna try it out, feel free to check out the links provided above, or browse my inspiration in the colophon page, or browse my website list.